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Application Note

Using MMX™ Instructions to Compute the AbsoluteDifference in Motion Estimation

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MPEG is an international standard for audio and video compression and decompression promoted by ISO. Implementations of MPEG CODEC’s or MPEG enabled platforms may require licenses from various entities, including Intel Corporation. Intel makes no representation as to the need for licenses from any entity. No licenses, either express, implied or by estoppel are granted herein. For information on licensing Intel patents, please contact Intel.



  • 2.1. Absolute Difference
  • 2.2. Optimized MMX™ Code
  • 2.3. Optimized Scalar




    The media extensions to the Intel Architecture (IA) instruction set include single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) instructions. This document describes an MMX™ technology implementation of a procedure to perform an absolute difference on a 16x16 block of pixels. This procedure can be an integral part of a motion estimation kernel, as will be described.


    An important technique used in video compression is to try and predict movement between consecutive frames. In many cases a moving object stays the same from frame to frame and only moves across the viewing field. A substantially better compression ratio can be achieved by producing displacement vectors of the object from frame to frame, instead of compressing the object for every frame. Calculating these vectors is called motion estimation and requires the calculation of an absolute difference between blocks of the frames.

    2.1. Absolute Difference

    The motion estimation function sums the absolute differences (or squared differences) between the pixel values of two different 16x16 blocks, and finds the best match. In MPEG1 for example, the calculation can be made in four ways. Either the absolute differences between the pixel values is summed (L1 norm) or the square of the differences (L2 norm). Orthogonal to the difference equation, this sum can be accumulated with respect to a reference block that has been shifted either by some number of whole pixel positions or by some number of half-pixel positions.

    A C Language code example for a 16x16 pixel full pel motion estimation using absolute differences is given in Example 1. The code has a fast-out so that if the difference accumulated across some rows is more than the current best match, it aborts the rest of the absolute difference.

    Example 1: C Code of 16x16 Motion Estimation
    char *bptr; /* pointer to start row of 16x16 pixel block being compressed.*/
    char *cptr; /* pointer to start row of 16x16 pixel reference block.*/
            if (data<0) {val-=data;}
            else    {val+=data;}
    /* Fast out after this row if we've exceeded best match*/
              if (val > best_value) break;
    /* update pointer to next row*/
              bptr += (rm->width - 16);
    /* update pointer to next row */
              cptr += (cm->width - 16);

    2.2. Optimized MMX™ Code

    The flow of the motion estimation inner loop code when using MMX instructions is shown in Figure 1. The operation uses a PSUBUSB (packed-byte-subtract-unsigned-with-saturation) to generate the absolute differences without requiring 16-bit precision to perform the operation.

    Usually, subtraction of two 8-bit unsigned numbers produces a 9-bit signed result. Thus, in order to keep the precision it may seem that a conversion to 16 bits is needed before the subtract operation. This becomes unnecessary by using the PSUBUSB instruction. By subtracting source 2 from source 1 and then doing the opposite operation on a copy of one of the sources, each result register has an absolute difference value. This is only true when an element in source 1 is larger than an element in source 2; if not, the result is zero because a negative result saturates to zero. The same thing happens for the opposite subtraction. This takes care of generating the absolute differences for the cases in which the elements in source 2 are larger than the elements in source 1.

    Using the OR command on the results of the two subtractions generates the eight desired absolute difference results. This enables us to find the absolute difference in byte precision substantially faster than if done in 16 bit precision.

    Figure 1. Motion Estimation Inner Loop Using Packed Data

    The MMX code for the inner-most computation of absolute differences is presented in Example 2. This code does not have the fast out option as does the C Language code of Example 1. In general, a fast out is not relevant after each 16x1 estimation as the overhead cost of adding the fast out for every iteration of the MMX instruction loop is prohibitive.

    Example 2. Inner Core of Absolute Difference for 16x16 Block
    estim Proc C Public uses m1:DWORD, m2:DWORD
            movq		mm0, [m1]
            movq		mm1, [m2]
            movq		mm2, mm0
            movq		mm3, 8[m1]
            psubusb		mm0, mm1
            psubusb		mm1, mm2
            movq		mm4, 8[m2]
            por		mm0, mm1
            movq		mm5, mm3
            movq		mm1, mm0
            psubusb		mm3, mm4
            punpckbw	mm0, mm6
            psubusb		mm4, mm5
            psrlq		mm1, 32
            por		mm3, mm4
            punpckbw	mm1, mm6
            movq		mm4, mm3
            punpckbw	mm3, mm6
            paddw		mm7, mm0
            psrlq		mm4, 32
            paddw		mm7, mm1
            punpckbw	mm4, mm6
            paddw		mm7, mm3
            paddw		mm7, mm4
    estim EndP
    Note that the misalignment penalty of memory accesses is an important factor in the motion estimation loop. Thus, minimizing the number of memory accesses is very important. For this reason, it is faster to load the data once and copy it to avoid destruction inherent to the IA two-operand model than to base the code on MMX instructions with one of the operands from memory.

    2.3. Optimized Scalar

    It is possible to perform a version of the absolute difference using the same technique as the MMX instructions, but this can only be done on one data element at a time instead of utilizing the parallelism that MMX instructions can provide. This results in more optimized scalar code and is listed below in Example 3.

    Example 3. Optimized Scalar Code
    estim Proc C Public uses m1: DWORD, m1:DWORD
            pushl     esi
            pushl     edi
            pushl     ebx
            pushl     m1
            pushl     m2
            popl      edi
            popl      esi
            xorl      ecx, 	ecx
            xorl      edx, 	edx
            xorl      ebx, 	ebx
            xorl      eax, 	eax
            movb      bl, 	[esi]
            movb      cl, 	[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	1[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	2[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	2[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	3[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	3[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	4[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	4[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	5[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	5[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	6[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	6[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	7[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	7[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	8[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	8[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	9[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	9[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	10[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	10[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	11[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	11[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	12[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	12[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	13[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	13[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            movb      bl, 	14[esi]
            addl      eax, 	edx
            movb      cl, 	14[edi]
            subl      ecx, 	ebx
            movb      bl, 	15[esi]
            xorb      cl, 	ch
            movb      dl, 	15[edi]
            subb      cl, 	ch
            subl      edx, 	ebx
            andl      ecx, 	0xff
            xorb      dl, 	dh
            addl      eax, 	ecx
            subb      dl, 	dh
            andl      edx, 	0xff
            popl      ebx
            addl      eax, 	edx
            popl      edi
            popl      esi
    estim EndP


    We compared the MMX technology technique to the C Language implementation as well as to the optimized scalar version. On a Pentium® processor implementation, the performance improvements are as follows:


     include MMX .inc
     ASSUME ds:FLAT, cs:FLAT, ss:FLAT
    ; basic flow outlined in appnote.
    ; performing saturated subtractions and merging results of differences (por).
    ; unpacking is then performed to 16-bit precision to accumulate differences without
    ; overflow.  Accumulation into mm7 is then done and returned in mm7.
    estim Proc Near C Public m1:PTR DWORD, m2:PTR DWORD
            movq       mm0, DWORD PTR [m1]  ; grab 1st half of row from bptr
            movq       mm1, DWORD PTR [m2]  ; grab 1st half of row from cptr
            movq       mm2, mm0             ; make a copy for abs diff operation
            movq       mm3, DWORD PTR 8[m1] ; grab 2nd half of row from bptr
            psubusb    mm0, mm1             ; do subtraction one way (w/saturation)
            psubusb    mm1, mm2             ; do subtraction the other way (w/saturation)
            movq       mm4, DWORD PTR 8[m2] ; grab 2nd half of row from cptr
            por        mm0, mm1             ; merge results of 1st half
            movq       mm5, mm3             ; make a copy for abs diff operation
            movq       mm1, mm0             ; keep a copy
            psubusb    mm3, mm4             ; do subtraction one way (w/saturation)
            punpcklbw  mm0, mm6             ; unpack to higher precision for accumulation
            psubusb    mm4, mm5             ; do subtraction the other way (w/saturation)
            psrlq      mm1, 32              ; shift results for accumulation
            por        mm3, mm4             ; merge results of 2nd half
            punpcklbw  mm1, mm6             ; unpack to higher precision for accumulation
            movq       mm4, mm3             ; keep a copy
            punpcklbw  mm3, mm6             ; unpack to higher precision for accumulation
            paddw      mm7, mm0             ; accumulate difference...
            psrlq      mm4, 32              ; shift results for accumulation
            paddw      mm7, mm1             ; accumulate difference...
            punpcklbw  mm4, mm6             ; unpack to higher precision for accumulation
            paddw      mm7, mm3             ; accumulate difference...
            paddw      mm7, mm4             ; accumulate difference...
    estim EndP

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